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Clients & Quotes

How our clients judge the quality of our work.

“Market leader” – “Without a doubt, number one in the market” –

“As a customer, you can’t ask for more”…

Bahl & Co. Dutch & English Lawyers in The Netherlands

Bahl & Co. is a leader in commercial, compliance and e-commerce law, covering litigation, regulatory and transactional issues for clients across many sectors. The law firm deals with regulators such as the ACM, European Commission, Agentschap Telecom, NVWA, IGJ, ILT, CDIU, RVO, Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens and Farmatec.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

We immediately achieved a ranking within Legal 500 in our very first submission thanks to Law Business! This is quite extraordinary, we were naturally delighted with this success.

The Law Business team guided us through our submission process very calmly and always with a very clear communication. Working with the Law Business team was exceptionally pleasant, I can therefore recommend Law Business without hesitation, for me, they are the best advisors in the market.

Bonnard Lawson (CH, FRA, UAE, LUX)

Bonnard Lawson is a Swiss Law Firm having offices in four leading foreign jurisdictions: Switzerland (Geneva, Lausanne and Rolle), France (Paris), UAE (Dubai) and Luxemburg, as well as a correspondent law firms in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business has supported us with our ranking efforts for Legal 500, thereby saving us precious time. If you are busy with client work, it is very challenging to make time for anything else. Having someone at eye-level supporting you with rankings takes a great load off your shoulders, and Law Business does exactly that, I can recommend them to any law firm.

Braun-Dullaeus Pannen Emmerling Patent Attorneys and Attorneys at Law

With two offices and 12 lawyers, Braun-Dullaeus Pannen Emmerling is one of the leading boutique IP firms when it comes to combining IP with litigation;

The firm’s clients include HUAWEI and HTC.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability, Submission Support

Law Business helped us to rise in Chambers and get into Legal 500 for the first time. The Law Business team was always very professional throughout the entire multi-year support, they were always polite but firm in asking us to meet the feedback deadlines – I think without this externally driven discipline it would have been far more difficult to get the necessary data together in the first place. Law Business also helped us a lot at this stage in that they always told us very clearly what information was needed for a successful submission. Later, we also received interview coaching for discussions with Law Business rankers.

Additionally, in 2018, Mr. Gendlin also advised us on our strategic law firm positioning. It was very valuable to receive a reflection on our individual as well as shared goals from a knowledgeable, outside industry expert. In the course of the positioning process, we were therefore also able to develop appropriate positioning proposals together with Mr. Gendlin. It is a fact that you can only take a step when you know where you stand and where you want to go. With Mr. Gendlin, we were able to implement this way of looking at things very professionally.

I can therefore recommend Law Business without hesitation. You can tell that the team has many years of experience; this is simply the market leader at work.

David Teixeira de Azevedo Advogado (Brasil)

Brazilian law firm David Teixeira de Azevedo offers local support to foreign clients and law firms with dispute resolution / criminal law in mandates related to financial crime, representing high-profile individuals and corporations and tax crimes.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business assisted us with our submission to Chambers and Legal 500 and helped us with our placement.

Law Business has significantly increased the quality of our submissions through its comprehensive support and helped us to present the core arguments of our work in an appropriately focused manner – I can definitely recommend Law Business.

Damsté Attorneys - Notaries

Damsté Attorneys – Notaries​ is an internationally operating firm with offices in Enschede, Hengelo, and Amsterdam

Delivered Service: Submission Training

We commissioned Law Business with a submission training for lawyers. Alexander Gendlin conducted the training. What we found most helpful was that we were provided with information not included in the guidelines of the rankings themselves. In addition, you get information on many directories and do not have to collect information from different rankings yourself. Law Business certainly knows the ranking industry certainly very well, I can recommend the training and Law Business to any law firm.

DLA Piper Germany

With offices in more than 40 countries in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, DLA Piper is one of the world’s leading law firms.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business has assisted us with submissions for JUVE, Chambers and Legal 500. The cooperation was very professional and the Law Business team is always very helpful and responsive. We can therefore highly recommend Law Business.

DORDA Attorneys at Law

DORDA is one of the top four law firms in Austria with over 100 lawyers.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability, Sales coaching & training for partners and lawyersSubmission Support

Mr. Gendlin has supported me in structured customer acquisition (search for potential mandates, creating and sending pitches). Here, the process of identifying and contacting new sales target was reorganized and implemented. This provided us with an ongoing and much more effective sales process.

I can very much recommend the expertise of Mr. Gendlin in this area. Any law firm which likes to get more out of their own sales efforts and would like to increase their sales results can significantly benefit from Mr. Gendlin.

Law Business has been consulting us for over two years in the areas of Business Development and Marketing – especially during our work with Directories & Rankings.

We were very satisfied with the performance of Law Business and were able to improve our ranking during that time. Mr. Gendlin knows the legal industry extremely well and has a very good standing with the ranking publications. I can definitely recommend Law Business.

Dr. Michael Walbert, LL.M

Dr. Walbert has the following specializations: General corporate and contract law, corporate law, private foundation law, corporate acquisitions, litigation, arbitration.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability

I retained Law Business to sharpen the positioning of my law firm. It was an interesting process that helps to reflect and adapt the portfolio of its services to current developments. Alexander Gendlin guided me through this process very competently, both professionally and personally, and you can just tell that he has been in the business for a very long time. In the end, my firm had a positioning that was more precisely tailored to my services and easier to understand, as well as a marketing plan to match. In addition, I worked with Alexander Gendlin to restructure the content of our law firm website – this also reflected the sharpened positioning. I can recommend Alexander Gendlin and Law Business without any restrictions, as a law firm partner you simply have a contact partner on an equal footing.


EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND is one of the world’s leading law firms.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

For many years, we have relied on Law Business to handle our legal directory submissions. During this time, Law Business has helped us to improve our rankings in the top directories.

In addition, Mr. Gendlin and his team have improved our entire process for dealing with submissions and increased our understanding of the subject matter.


FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER is one of the leading law firms worldwide.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability

Law Business has provided us with valuable consulting regarding the new orientation and definition of the job profile of our business development / marketing department head.

Mr. Gendlin was responsible for providing the know how – he knows the material very well, and was able to demonstrate that impressively to our equity partners.


German Bar Association, Section for International Business Law

IWR Camp No. 3 – Two-day seminar on acquisition/sales skills for attorneys and price negotiations for legal services.

Link to the event

Delivered Service: Sales coaching & training for partners and lawyers

The 3rd IWR Camp was also a great success. Younger colleagues, but also “old timers”, a total of almost 50 participants were again enthusiastic about a legal “teach-in”, this time on the topic of “Acquisition – Sales Skills for Lawyers”.

Under the excellent leadership of Mr. Alexander Gendlin, the participants directly processed in small practical working groups the contents acquired immediately beforehand and implemented them with excellent professional guidance.

As co-organizer, I asked all participants to evaluate the event and received positive feedback without exception. They all found the seminar excellent from a technical point of view and – despite the digital format – were enthusiastic about the organization and the division of knowledge transfer and direct practical application.

Many participants praised Mr. Gendlin’s confident presentation and his competent and understandable manner. We can unreservedly recommend Mr. Gendlin here: he knows the subject matter and the legal market in detail and understands how to communicate the material in a first-class manner and motivate the attendees to participate actively throughout – he is the first choice in the market for this area.

This seminar was profitable in the truest sense of the word!

The systematic examination of this essential topic in role plays and presentations was instructive, purposeful, and provides an impetus to rethink internal processes. The open, constructive and very active exchange among the participants also brought great added value.

The 3rd IWR Camp had an experienced coach Alexander Gendlin, who familiarized the participants with sales models and allowed them to experience various sales situations and conversations in role plays. It became clear that advising is difficult – but so is selling one’s own services! Lawyers cannot fall back on “sales teams” like other industries, often do not align themselves professionally with their counterparts or give too much away too quickly (in the truest sense of the word).

Also, those who spend money on marketing by blindly placing ads once or twice a year will not get far. So how do you approach fee issues, sales pitches and cost issues correctly and professionally?

Conclusion after 1.5 days: The systematic examination of this essential topic in role plays and presentations was instructive, and purposeful and gave impetus to rethink internal processes. The open, constructive and very active exchange among the participants, who came from a wide variety of law firms and practice areas, also brought great added value. Thanks to the organizing team around Max Krämer, Orsolya Görgenyi and Adi Seffer. This seminar was profitable in the truest sense of the word!

KIEHL Business Law Firm

KIEHL Kanzlei für Wirtschaftsrecht (

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability, Sales coaching & training for partners and lawyers

Law Business first carried out a re-sharpening of my law firm’s positioning. A profitability analysis was carried out with the aim of determining which services fit which target groups.

Then, based on the new positioning, sales and marketing measures were defined. The new positioning helps me to focus better on my target groups.

Before I mandated Mr. Gendlin, I had already been dealing with these issues myself for quite some time, but I did not make any progress because I lacked the right sparring partner. I believe that such a project is hardly possible without the input of an objective third party. It simply needs someone like Mr Gendlin here, who knows the legal market very well and can guide you objectively through the difficult issues of such a process.

Of course, it also helps enormously that Mr Gendlin has conducted such processes several times and therefore always asks the right questions. The sales and marketing measures must also be defined with appropriate care; the legal sector simply has very specific requirements.

I can strongly recommend any law firm to work with Mr Gendlin, the new positioning has helped me a lot.

Law Firm Dr. Bettina Hörtner

Dr. Bettina Hörtner is an expert in the finance field as well as a former head of onsite inspections at the Austrian Securities Supervisory Authority.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business assisted my law firm in its work with rankings.

As an individual lawyer with a special combination of legal and business services due to my previous activities, it was of great help to me to be able to draw on the extensive know how of Law Business during the ranking process and to mostly outsource the work related to rankings.

The support was very competent and completely customized to my needs. Here, you do not purchase a “one-size-fits-all” standard consultation – Law Business tailored their services as well as the work procedures individually to my requirements and consultation services as a boutique law firm.

This is illustrated by the result of our work as well: I am now, even as a “mere” individual lawyer with a niche business model, ranked by Chambers for the first time – and that was just my first attempt to be included in the rankings.

Therefore, I can highly recommend Law Business to all individual lawyers as well.

Lawyers PPP Pittrof, Penner, Reimer & Partner

Lawyers PPP – The Experts in Healthcare Dres. Pittrof, Penner, Reimer & Partner, have 4 offices in Germany: Düsseldorf, Ingolstadt, Heilbronn and Bergisch Gladbach.

Rechtsanwälte PPP – Die Experten im Gesundheitswesen Dres. Pittrof, Penner, Reimer & Partner, verfügen über 4 Standorte in Deutschland: Düsseldorf, Ingolstadt, Heilbronn und Bergisch Gladbach

Law Business hat die Kanzlei in folgenden Bereichen unterstützt: Formulieren von juristischen Inhalten bei einer Gerichtsverhandlung für ein Entscheidungsgremium, das aus Laien besteht / Litigation PR

Delivered Service: Litigation PR – case-accompanying, strategic public relations

Law Business assisted us in the formulation of a petition that was presented to a political body. The task for Law Business was to identify the most important facts for our communication strategy from the court proceedings that had been ongoing up to that point, and to formulate them in a way that was comprehensible to legal laypersons. In addition, Law Business advised on strategic communication issues.

Such strategic reflection is very helpful, providing a valuable outside perspective and based on a great deal of experience in the legal industry. Mr Alexander Gendlin acted for Law Business in this regard and we were absolutely satisfied with his support. He understands how to abstract legal processes and present them in a very understandable way for non-lawyers. He supported the data selection with valuable questions and created a template that was very well understood by the target group.

I can strongly recommend Law Business. It is not easy to find someone who is well versed in absorbing legal facts and then formulating these facts, that are complex even for lawyers, in a way that is understandable for lay people.

MAIER-LAW Attorneys at law

MAIER-LAW ( ist eine 4-Partner Kanzlei in Wien mit Spezialisierung in Medienrecht, Prozessführung, Familienrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht.

MAIER-LAW ( is a 4 partner law firm in Vienna focusing on media law, litigation, family law and corporate law.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability

The strength of Law Business is the tailor-made support, which has resulted in a considerable attention in various print media for my firm. Usually, lawyers have not the necessary PR contacts to present their achievements in a timely manner to the public. Often there are no time or resources for marketing issues. Law Business focused on the interesting facts from my practice and communicated to the appropriate media.


Dr. Meyer-Dulheuer & Partner is a well-known patent law firm in Frankfurt on the Main with 10 lawyers.

Law Business successfully enabled our law firm to be included in the WTR 1000 Ranking (World Trademark Review) for the first time. Law Business performed all ranking work for us (creating all texts in English and German, suggesting which matters to use, preparing the client referees). During the process the Law Business team motivated us with courtesy but persistence to deliver feedback in a timely manner and proved to be an efficient motor for work flow. I can recommend Law Business here without reservations. The team knows the subject matter and the market very well and is superbly networked with the rankings.

MÜLLER PARTNER Attorneys at Law

Müller Partner is a commercial law firm with 6 partners and over 30 employees.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability, Sales coaching & training for partners and lawyers

As team leader of the Capital Markets and Banking Group, I and my team are involved in numerous business development and sales activities, but I always had the feeling that we had even more potential here.

Law Business analyzed our existing business development activities. The analysis was carried out on the one hand by reviewing the relevant documents and on the other hand by structured interviews. Law Business then drew up a business development plan that tightened up the existing measures and defined new measures for us. This was very helpful for us, especially because Law Business helped us to define our goals.

Mr. Gendlin was very helpful and competent from Law Business’s side as a project manager. Such a process only works with someone who really knows the legal market very well and also knows how to ask the right questions. I can explicitly recommend Law Business for the establishment of such business development measures and a proving sales coaching, I have gained very good insights into the objectives and implementation of sales through this guided reflection.

Upon completion of the above-mentioned projects, we then commissioned Law Business with other assignments as well.


Niederer Kraft Frey is a leading Swiss law with over 140 lawyers in offices in Zurich and Geneva. Clients include UBS, Credit Suisse, Porsche etc.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

We have mandated Law Business for assistance with Chambers and Legal 500. In working with Law Business, we have gained important insights into the workings of the international directories. In particular, the analysis of the Chambers Insight Reports is worth mentioning. Someone like Law Business is able to extract aspects that are only possible through particularly deep knowledge of the subject matter.

We have also benefited from the fact that Law Business not only has the picture of a law firm in front of it, but of course knows what many other law firms have to worry about with the directories, so Law Business really has its ear to the ground.

If a law firm wants to deal with the Directories in a serious way, I definitely recommend calling in the Law Business team – you save a lot of time and frustration if someone makes the law firm aware of the many stumbling blocks in a professional manner and Law Business is the first address for me here.

PDGB Société d’Avocats

Paris law firm PDGB Société d’Avocats has 18 partners and 26 associates.

Delivered Service: Presentation “The as an entrepreneur”, at the 11th M&A International Lawyers Conference.

It was a pleasure meeting you in Prague and listening to your lecture, which I found really interesting and inspiring in terms how we can think further client approach.

PFR Attorneys at law

PFR Rechtsanwälte besteht aus 7 Juristen und Juristinnen und berät in den Bereichen Finanzmarktrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, IT-Recht und Datenschutz, Allgemeines Zivilrecht, Öffentliches Recht, Immobilienrecht, Unternehmenssanierung, Prozessführung, Arbeitsrecht, Ehe- und Familienrecht und Erbrecht.

PFR Attorneys at Law consists of 7 lawyers and advises in the areas of financial market law, commercial law, IT law and data protection, general civil law, public law, real estate law, corporate restructuring, litigation, employment law, matrimonial and family law and inheritance law.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business provided us with excellent support right from our first collaboration, helping us to be ranked in JUVE and Legal 500 on the very first attempt. We were particularly impressed by the always valuable and very timely feedback from Law Business. With JUVE, the ranking came relatively quickly after the initial submission. As a client, you can’t ask for more here.

I can recommend Law Business to any law firm. The whole submission procedure should not be underestimated; without experts who know what to look for, it is much more difficult.

Our cases were always suitable for placement in the rankings, but it was only with the help of Law Business that we finally managed to have our very good content work reflected in the rankings.

PHH Prochaska Havranek Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, AT

PHH Prochaska Havranek
Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG is one of the leading law firms in Austria.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business handled the complete compilation of our ranking submissions for us for several years. During this time, we were able to improve our rankings in Chambers and Partners, JUVE and Legal 500.
The great advantage of Law Business is that they have excellent knowledge of the market and, through years of working with law firms, simply know exactly what to send to the rankings.

This is not only about the textual formulation of content. At Law Business, they also know quantitative data – for example, what kind of clients with what turnover and with what legal and economic facts have a significant impact on the rankings.

I can therefore recommend Law Business without reservation.
The team acts professionally and proactively at every level and brings a clearly noticeable amount of work relief. For me, Law Business is by far the Austrian market leader in working with law firm rankings.

Prchal Law

Prchal Law is a Vienna based law firm with 5 jurists that specialises in labour and employment matters.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business has supported us from 2015 to 2021 by preparing and submitting our ranking documents to top international rankings. During this time, we gained inclusion in the Chambers, JUVE and Legal 500 rankings and were also able to increase our ranking after our initial inclusion. Throughout this time, Law Business has guided us very competently through what has become a rather time-consuming ranking process.

For us, Law Business is without a doubt the number one in the market when it comes to providing advice on rankings – not only do they have very comprehensive knowledge of the ranking material, but they are also very well connected with the editorial teams of the respective rankings. I can recommend Law Business here without reservations.


Prüfer & Partner is one of the renowned IP law firms with around 60 employees, including 23 German and European patent attorneys, attorneys-at-law and patent professionals.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Among other services, we have commissioned Law Business to carry out ranking submissions for us over a number of years.

During this cooperation, we were ranked in Legal 500 and IAM Patent 1000 for the first time.

Law Business guided us through the ranking process in a very understandable way.

The Law Business team knows the material at hand and the legal industry very well, and I was particularly helped by the team’s clear communication. For us, Law Business is the leading provider, I can clearly recommend the company.

Puchberger & Partner

Puchberger & Partner are a top patent law firm in Austria and have won 2019 and 2020 National Awards from MIP (Managing Intellectual Property) and the Financial Times, among others. 

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business has supported us with the revision of our firm´s strategy. During this process Law Business helped us to articulate the individual goals of each partner and to create a strategy which all partners could agree on.

Upon completion of the strategy process we have then employed Law Business to develop an operative plan for our Sales and Business Development measures. Here Law Business delivered an extensive and detailed package of measures.

These measures allowed us to raise our existing Sales and Business Development processes onto an even more professional level and also implement new important Sales and Business Development tools and activities.

SCHÖNHERR Attorneys at Law

SCHÖNHERR is one of the leading law firms in Europe with offices in 14 countries.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability

All purchased goods and services have been systematically studied for cost reduction potentials. This has led to entirely new insights of all participants and allowed the use of additional synergies in the Group-wide procurement (project leader was Günther Jauck).


Taliens has 25 legal staff at its three offices in Munich, Madrid and Paris.

Provided service: Law firm rankings, conducting the entire submission for multiple legal fields.

Delivered Service: Submission Support

Law Business assisted us with our ranking submissions for several years. During this time, our law firm was successfully placed in numerous rankings. Strong cases have always been with us in the office, but due to lack of time we never come through to a successful structuring and elaboration. Here Law Business has helped us a lot!

Taylor Wessing, Int.

Taylor Wessing is an international business law firm with over 1000 lawyers in 29 offices worldwide.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability

Mr. Gendlin advised me on my change to my new law firm. One is simply not sufficiently objective with oneself when making such far-reaching decisions – an external reflection with someone who, like Mr. Gendlin, knows the legal market excellently is worth a great deal.

I can therefore strongly recommend Mr. Gendlin for such advice to law firm partners.

WALDER WYSS Attorneys at Law

WALDER WYSS is one of the top 5 law firms in Switzerland with approximately 100 lawyers and tax experts and is ranked first in M&A Switzerland by MergerMarket in 2013.

Delivered Service: Law firm positioning & profitability, Submission Support

Law Business has supported us in sharpening our market positioning. In a workshop the market positioning of law firms within the Swiss legal market was analyzed.

Based on this analysis, we were able to define our positioning in the market more precisely so that we could address the right target groups with our services and our external communication. The analyses was carried out in the workshop.

Mr. Gendlin was responsible for the planning and conducting of this workshop. The workshop was very goal oriented and the work results were valuable for the further development of our marketing strategy and communications. Mr. Gendlin was a competent moderator and adviser and one could see quickly that he knows the legal industry very well.

Wenfei Attorneys-at-Law (CH / China)

Wenfei Attorneys at Law Ltd (“Wenfei Law”), a Swiss law firm with offices in Zurich, Beijing and Shanghai, provides legal advice and assistance in all areas of corporate and commercial law as well as litigation (mainly arbitration) to both European SMEs and large international companies doing business in China. Wenfei Law was originally organised as the China department of a larger Swiss law firm. 

Delivered Service: Presentation “The as an entrepreneur”, at the 11th M&A International Lawyers Conference.

The presentation was witty, and it was very helpful to raise awareness of lawyers as businessmen.

ZIRNGIBL Attorneys at Law Partnership mbB

ZIRNGIBL is one of the 75 largest and most successful commercial law firms in Germany, with offices in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Munich.

Delivered ServiceSubmission Support

Law Business provided our marketing department and our partners with extremely valuable training on the operational implementation of submissions. Thanks to the in-depth coaching provided by Mr. Gendlin, we were able to give our submissions a much more structured form and develop a deep understanding of the key success factors. We are confident that we will be able to make a lasting improvement to our ranking within the directories in the future.

We would gladly take part in another training course with Mr. Gendlin at any time and can recommend him without reservation.

Among others, we were also allowed to support these law firms and companies: