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Imprint & GTCs


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Lawgitise GmbH
Address: Sieveringerstrasse 65/2/11 A-1190 Vienna

Object of the company: Business consulting including business organization
VAT-Number: ATU79658201
Corporate register number: FN 575999 h
Corporate register court: Vienna
Company location: A-1190 Vienna
Member of: WKO, Wien, UBIT

EU Dispute Resolution

In accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).

Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the online dispute resolution platform of the European Commission at You will find the necessary contact details above in our imprint. However, we would like to point out that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for the contents of this website

We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness of all contents on this website, especially for those provided by third parties.

If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. According to § 17 ECG, we are not liable for linked websites, as we were and are not aware of any illegal activities, we have not noticed any such illegal activities and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of any illegal activities. If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the imprint.

Copyright notice

All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorised use of parts of the contents of our site. If you find any content on this website that infringes copyright, please contact us.

Image Credits:

Photo Alexander Gendlin by Wolfgang Zwanzger Fotografie

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Photo by Roman Pohorecki from Pexels

Icons made by Eucalyp from

Icons made by Freepik from

Liability for entries by persons on the site:

The persons mentioned on the Website are liable for the accuracy of the information about themselves. In addition, the persons are liable for the publication of customer data on the website especially when specifying references.

Source: Created with the Impressum Generator by AdSimple® SEO in cooperation with

Please note that this a translation from German. In doubt the version in Impressum & AGB | Law Business is to correct one.

General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) for Lawgitise Gmbh & Law Business Gendlin eU

1 General Principles / Scope of Application

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions shall apply exclusively to all legal transactions between the Principal and the Agent (Management Consultant). The version valid at the time of conclusion of the contract shall be authoritative in each case.

1.2 These General Terms and Conditions shall also apply to all future contractual relationships, thus even if no express reference is made to them in the case of supplementary agreements.

1.3 Any General Terms and Conditions of Business of the Principal to the contrary shall be invalid unless expressly acknowledged in writing by the Agent (Management Consultant).

1.4 In the event that individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions should be and/or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the contracts concluded on the basis thereof. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision which comes as close as possible to its meaning and economic purp 2 Scope of the Consulting Contract / Substitution

 2.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall provide the consulting services within the framework of the generally recognized professional principles and rules of professional conduct. He shall render the consulting services with due care, but shall not owe the achievement of a specific result. The scope of a specific consulting assignment shall be contractually agreed in each individual case.

2.2 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be entitled to have the tasks incumbent upon it performed in whole or in part by third parties. Payment of the third party shall be made exclusively by the Agent (Management Consultant) itself. No direct contractual relationship whatsoever shall arise between the third party and the Principal.

2.3 The Principal undertakes not to enter into any business relationship whatsoever with persons or companies used by the Agent (Management Consultant) for the performance of its contractual obligations, neither during nor for a period of three years after the termination of this contractual relationship. In particular, the Principal shall not commission such persons or companies with such or similar consulting services that are also offered by the Agent (Management Consultant).

3 Duty of the Principal to Provide Information / Declaration of Completeness

3.1 The Principal shall ensure that all documents required for the performance and execution of the consulting assignment are submitted to the Agent (Management Consultant) in a timely manner, even without the Agent’s specific request, and that the Agent is informed of all events and circumstances that are of importance for the execution of the consulting assignment. This shall also apply to all documents, processes and circumstances which only become known during the Consultant’s activities. The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be authorized to rely, without verification or investigation, on any information obtained (a) from the Principal or any of its affiliates, or (b) from generally accepted or mutually agreed sources.

4. Assurance of independence

4.1 The contracting parties mutually undertake to take all precautions suitable to prevent the independence of the commissioned third parties and employees of the contractor (management consultant) from being jeopardized. This shall apply in particular to offers made by the client for employment or the acceptance of orders on its own account.

5 Reporting / Duty to Report

5.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be free from instructions in the production of the agreed work, shall act at his own discretion and on his own responsibility. He shall not be bound to any particular place of work or to any particular working hours.

6 Protection of intellectual property

6.1 The copyrights to the works created by the Agent (Management Consultant) and his employees and commissioned third parties (in particular offers, reports, analyses, expert opinions, organizational plans, programs, performance specifications, drafts, calculations, drawings, data carriers, etc.) shall remain with the Agent (Management Consultant). 

They may be used by the Principal during and after termination of the contractual relationship exclusively for purposes covered by the contract. 

In particular, the Principal may not make available to third parties any information provided to him by the Agent regarding the performance of the Employee.

However, upon payment of the fee, the Client shall receive a license to use the work for its own agreed purposes in (a) works made available to the Client as agreed, and (b) works created for the Client as agreed. The transfer of work results to third parties against payment or free of charge shall require the written consent of the Contractor (Management Consultant). 

In this respect, the Principal shall not be entitled to reproduce and/or distribute the work(s) without the express consent of the Agent (Management Consultant). Under no circumstances shall an unauthorized reproduction/dissemination of the Work give rise to any liability on the part of the Agent (Management Consultant) – in particular, for example, for the correctness of the Work – vis-à-vis third parties.

6.2 Any violation of these provisions by the Principal shall entitle the Agent (Management Consultant) to immediately terminate the contractual relationship prematurely and to assert other statutory claims, in particular for injunctive relief and/or damages.

7 Warranty

7.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be entitled and obligated to remedy any inaccuracies or defects in its services that become known. The Agent shall notify the Principal thereof without delay.

7.2 This right of the Principal shall expire 1 month after the respective service has been rendered.

8 Liability / Compensation

8.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be liable to the Principal for damages – except for personal injury – only in the event of gross negligence (intent or gross negligence). Liability for slight negligence shall thus be excluded to the extent permitted by law. This shall also apply mutatis mutandis to damages attributable to third parties engaged by the Contractor.

8.2 Claims for damages by the Customer may only be asserted in court within six months of knowledge of the damage and the damaging party, but at the latest within three years of the event giving rise to the claim.

8.3 The Principal shall in each case furnish proof that the damage is attributable to fault on the part of the Contractor.

8.4 If the Agent (Management Consultant) performs the work with the assistance of third parties and if warranty and/or liability claims arise against such third parties in this context, the Agent (Management Consultant) shall assign such claims to the Principal. In this case, the Principal shall give priority to these third parties.

8.5 The Principal shall indemnify and hold the Consultant harmless against any claims asserted against the Agent (Management Consultant) in connection with actions or omissions based on the Principal’s instructions.

 9 Secrecy / Data Protection

 9.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be obligated to maintain absolute secrecy with regard to all business matters of which it becomes aware, in particular business and trade secrets, as well as any information that it receives about the type, scope of operation and practical activities of the Principal.

9.2 Furthermore, the Agent (Management Consultant) undertakes to maintain secrecy vis-à-vis third parties with regard to the entire content of the Work as well as all information and circumstances received in connection with the preparation of the Work, in particular also with regard to the data of the Principal’s clients.

9.3 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be released from the duty of confidentiality with respect to any assistants and substitutes he may use. However, the Agent shall transfer the duty of confidentiality to them in full and shall be liable for their breach of the duty of confidentiality as for his own breach.

9.4 The duty of confidentiality shall extend indefinitely beyond the end of this contractual relationship. Exceptions exist in the case of legally stipulated obligations to testify.

9.5 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be entitled to process personal data entrusted to it within the scope of the purpose of the contractual relationship. The Principal shall warrant to the Agent that all necessary measures have been taken for this purpose, in particular those within the meaning of the Data Protection Act, such as declarations of consent by the persons concerned.

10 Fee

10.1 Upon completion of the agreed work, the Agent (Management Consultant) shall receive a fee in accordance with the agreement between the Principal and the Agent (Management Consultant). The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be entitled to issue interim invoices in accordance with the progress of the work and to demand payment on account in accordance with the respective progress. The fee shall be due upon presentation of the invoice by the Agent.

10.2 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall issue an invoice with all legally required features entitling the Agent to deduct input tax.

10.3 Any cash expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, travel expenses, etc. shall be reimbursed by the Principal upon presentation of an invoice by the Agent (Management Consultant).

10.4 If the agreed work is not performed for reasons attributable to the Principal or due to justified premature termination of the contractual relationship by the Agent (Management Consultant), the Agent (Management Consultant) shall retain the right to payment of the entire agreed fee less any expenses saved. In the event that an hourly fee has been agreed, the fee shall be paid for the number of hours that could have been expected for the entire agreed work, less the expenses saved. The saved expenses are agreed as a lump sum of 30 percent of the fee for those services which the Contractor has not yet performed by the day of termination of the contractual relationship.

10.5 In the event of non-payment of interim invoices, the Agent (Management Consultant) shall be released from its obligation to provide further services. However, this shall not affect the assertion of further claims resulting from non-payment.

10.6 The Principal shall not be entitled to withhold payments on account of alleged claims or to offset them with alleged counterclaims against claims of the Agent (Management Consultant). This shall not apply to claims in connection with the agreements on the provision of consulting services that have been acknowledged or established by a court of law.

11 Electronic Invoicing

11.1 The Agent (Management Consultant) shall be entitled to send invoices to the Principal also in electronic form. The Principal expressly agrees to the sending of invoices in electronic form by the Agent (Management Consultant).

12 Duration of the Contract

12.1 The duration of the consulting service shall be determined by the offer.

12.2 The contract may be terminated by either party at any time for good cause without notice. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular

– if a contractual partner violates essential contractual obligations or

– if a contractual partner defaults on payment after insolvency proceedings have been opened.

– if there are justified doubts regarding the creditworthiness of a contractual partner in respect of whom insolvency proceedings have not been opened and the contractual partner, at the request of the Contractor, neither makes advance payments nor provides suitable security prior to performance by the Contractor and the poor financial circumstances were not known to the other contractual partner at the time of conclusion of the contract.

 13. Provision of services to other clients

Subject to the confidentiality obligation agreed in these General Terms and Conditions, the Agent (Management Consultant) shall not be prevented or otherwise restricted from rendering services (including services identical with or similar to the Services) to other Clients, or from using or disclosing to third parties knowledge, experience or skills acquired in the course of rendering the Services, even if the interests of third party Clients may be in competition with the interests of the Client.

14. Working time for submissions for law firm rankings

The delivery of submission drafts created or texted by Law Business typically takes 1-3 working days. The checking of submissions typically takes 1-2 working days.

15. Rules for package offers

Package offers that are made per area of law only apply to one area of law. It is not possible, for example, to use an unused word count from one area of law as a remaining service component for another area of law.

16. Reference clause

The Contractor shall have the right to refer to the fact of the business relationship with the Customer by means of a reference on its website and/or other marketing/business documents, and shall be entitled to use the Customer’s logo in doing so. This right shall continue to exist after termination of the contractual relationship.

17 Final Provisions

17.1 The contracting parties confirm that they have provided all information in the contract conscientiously and truthfully, and undertake to notify each other immediately of any changes.

17.2 Amendments to the contract and these GTC must be made in writing, as must any waiver of this formal requirement. There shall be no verbal collateral agreements.

17.3 This contract shall be governed by Austrian substantive law, excluding the conflict of law rules of private international law. The place of performance shall be the place of the Contractor’s (Management Consultant’s) professional establishment / Vienna. The court at the Contractor’s (Management Consultant’s) place of business / Vienna shall be responsible for disputes.

Please note that this a translation from German. In doubt the version in Impressum & AGB | Law Business is to correct one.