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Legal 500 Germany now with two (!) different submission deadlines

Legal 500 fragments its submission dates for 2024.

To keep things exciting, Legal 500 is changing its deadline policy. Whereas it used to be possible to submit the client referees and the submission together, there are now separate deadlines for this.

The deadline for client referees this year is May 27, 2024. Submissions can be submitted until 10.6.2024 .

Legal 500 explains this step as follows:The earlier deadline for reference lists is intended to make it easier for referees to submit feedback on time.”

We take a critical view of this. This change will initially lead to confusion among law firms. It’s hard enough to communicate one date to the partnership in a sustainable way. Now there will probably be continuous questions as to when something has to be handed in.

There is actually no advantage for Legal 500 either. The publisher must now also monitor two different deadlines.

Incidentally, a new separate submission for artificial intelligence (AI) as well as for “investment control sanctions law” and “supply chain compliance” are welcome innovations.

In brief:
What do the Legal 500 innovations mean for law firms?

1. separate deadlines for client referees (27.5.2024) and submissions (10.6.2024)

The introduction of a new date will lead to confusion and numerous repeated inquiries from law firms by the partnership.

This makes the submission process more complex and time-consuming. We do not see any advantage here.

2. new own submissions for AI and others.

A separate filing, especially for AI, but also for “investment control sanctions law” and “supply chain compliance” always brings the opportunity to position yourself strongly as a first mover in a newly created area of law. This is far easier than fighting for positions in existing areas.

About the author: Law Business has been supporting lawyers and patent attorneys since 2004. Our customers regularly describe us as the market leader.

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