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Directories & Ranking Deadlines Switzerland 2024/25

Directories & Ranking Deadlines Switzerland 2024/25

- Last updated September 2024 -

All dates marked with “Yes” in “Deadline updated by Directory for 2025” represent the dates confirmed by the directories for 2024/25.

* The data marked “No” represents the Directories' submission data from last year, which we have extrapolated for the new 2024/25 season. In this cases the Directories currently have no data for the new season.

Even the data confirmed by Directories is often changed by Directories during the season. Therefore, please check our website regularly.

To get the latest information about updates to the submission data and the release date of the new results, please sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of the page).
We do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

Our Submission Support Services for Law Firms

Package 1 - Conducting the entire submission for you

Package 2 - Review and benchmark of your submission

Package 3 - Management of Client Referees

Package 4 - Workshops, trainings and coachings

Our selected articles on the topic of law firm directories and law firm rankings

- DLA PIPER: "...highly recommend the Law Business team."

- FRESHFIELDS: "...know the material very well,...impressived our equity partners."

- TAYLOR WESSING: "...know the legal market excellently ."

Law Business Managing Partner Alexander Gendlin, in cooperation with prominent directories such as Chambers, Legal 500 and ThomsonReuters, has written the world’s first book on the subject of law firm rankings – the “Compass Kanzlei-Rankings”.