External seminar in Munich and Frankfurt:

Successful participation in Law Firm Rankings: How to achieve a good position within the relevant Rankings – Law Business Seminars in Munich & Frankfurt

Video about the seminar topics
Seminar topics details in English
Selecting the right Rankings
- Which Rankings are suitable for which firm types of law firms and what areas of law?
- KO criteria and examples of dubious offers
Gathering appropriate information for Rankings
- Which cases are suitable for Rankings and what kind of content should you focus on?
- What kind of information do Rankings want to see?
- How to deal with confidential remarks
Client Referees
- How to correctly choose the right Client Referees
- Briefing of the Client Referees before interviews
- Client Referee Tracking
Appropriate Contact Management with the Rankings
- What kind of content can be communicated?
- How and when to ask for a better position within the Rankings
- When can you ask for the extension of a deadline?
Responsibilities for Ranking tasks within a law firm
- Task assignment within a law firm / practise group
- Cooperation with Business Development and Marketing departments
- Responsibilities of employees responsible for Rankings, especially how to motivate law firm partners to provide feedback
Use of basic project management techniques in rankings
- Why Rankings must be considered as projects
- Project Governance, project planning, project control
C. H. Beck Announcement

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