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Law Business Speaker bei der „11th M&A International Lawyers Conference“ zum Thema Salesvortrag

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Law Business Speaker bei der „11th M&A International Lawyers Conference“ zum Thema Salesvortrag

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Law Business Lecture on the Business Development topic „The lawyer as an entrepreneur: Structured selection and approach of potential new clients.“

Further information

Law Business founder Alexander Gendlin has now been selected speaker for the 11th M&A International Lawyers Conference – Topic: „The lawyer as an entrepreneur: Structured selection and approach of potential new clients“.
Please note that this is not a purchased speaking slot, but again a confirmation of our expertise in Sales & Business Development. We would like to thank the hosts RWP LAWYERS (Düsseldorf) and Ueltzhöffer Klett Jakubec & Partneri (Prague) for inviting Mr. Gendlin.

Quotes of attending lawyers about the lecture

“Great presentation! It put me into some thoughts about my business practice and the approach of the clients.”

Madia ILIOPOULOU, Avocat à la Cour, PDGB Société d’Avocats

“The presentation was witty and it was very helpful to raise awareness of lawyers as businessmen.”

Xufeng (Jess) Jia, Senior Legal Counsel at Podravka d.d.

“It was a pleasure meeting you in Prague and listening to your lecture, which I found really interesting and inspiring in terms how we can think further client approach.”

Simon Ügyvédi Iroda, Simon’s Law Office

Link to the RWP / Lawrope Webseite

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